One of Philippines English school has time schedule of 8:00 am to 18:00. General rule is on and over 18 yrs old peaple can attend, but if a parent support commuting and others, it will be acceptable for that school.
I am under negotiation with them.
After the class, after 18:00, if my wife and the daughter spend time in Japanese, that is very sorry to take an good opportunity in full English circumstances.
So I considered that to make an English speaking friend is the best way to spend Philipines time in full English. That may be artificaial and too much intentional, however I try to find a lady who are in similar age with my daughter, around 20, and good English speaker. In Philippines, they start English class from elementary school and 95% can speak full English. (good English ones are 30% maybe?). The one who can keep the schedule and who likes to chat.
I expect two of my family will go to shopping, having dinner , watching TV till 21:00 together with the lady.
Now I am joining one of Web English school, Rare Job, and asking good teacher about the above lady candicates.