At the first day of the patisserie lesson, I could upload a little photos because of the bad net circumstances. So I will do it afterwards.
This is a review photo. My second kids learn from a professional patisserie of a famous hotel and one assistant. They taught only for her, it is fruitful experience.
Chocolate as cake material was three wide and thick plates which contained 63% cacao. One lot was 1kg or 0.5kg. It is the luxuary material.
Choco Lava raw mixture are poured by my kid into the mold of silicon rubber plates. The mold had good effect to kids who learn such method in first discussion.
Creme Brulee. At last, pouring caramel on the top, then burning it for a while. It seemed burn out a little, but taste is same with the hotel one's.
Creme Brulee。最後にカラメルを載せてバーナーで炙りましたが、少し焦げ目が付きすぎた以外は味も食感もホテルと同じ!!
Souffle. It's bad looking. Patissiere trainer didn't allow her to bring them back home because of terrible shape. However, inside them it was very delicious like under hot m
arshmallow the elephant skin like layer. Taste was like a hot chocolate mousse. This was today's best among 4 kinds of cakes.
Neat in the cup (above of the picture) was made by the trainer. Bottom 3 is my kids'. We brought back the neat one and ate them with all families including the first kid and wife who joined after English school.
Souffle. スフレだけは見た目が悪く、次女作の溢れた形のものは持ち帰りを許可してくれませんでした。しかしこの象の皮膚のようなごわごわの中はホットマシュマロのようなホクホクの美味しさがあって秀逸。ホットチョコムース、といった味わいです。この日の4種のケーキの中では一番美味しかった。
The finish of French Macaroon. Binding choco cream among the two. 2nd kid made a good shape ones , but two small. Finally it became petit macaroon. To squeeze out with same quantitiy is a key skill about decoration.
My kid was moved because she can have made 4 kinds of cakes in one day. she was excited what should she do that she learned a lot..