Under the prestage hotel patissiere training, 2nd kid of 13 yrs old baked below cakes. (Front right small ones are by the trainer.
10 of elder kid English school friends has tasted, and everybody shouted Excellent.
How wonderful the hotel recipe is!
味は長女の英語学校の旧友が10人近くで試食してみて、Excellent!!! のお墨付き。
On the final day, the school president approved the finishing of 5 day patisserie training for my kid. Photo is about the approval ceremony, based on a procedures receipt of the certificate, holding it under left arm, the shake hands with the right.
At the same night, elder kid and my wife's graduation ceremony of the English school. The kid is the youngest among the students, So she seemed a kind of mascot girl. People know and paid attention for them because of family attendants.
The elder kid became cheerful for one month stay. off course, English becomes fluent. Junior high school English is wonderful as a firm basic one. Nothing should be added, just only the positive attitude to speak it.
On the other hand, my wife who graduate junior high school 30 years ago progressed little by little. She can speak it with Subject, Verb, Object. That forms basic structure.